Through various methods of research, it has been proven that there are lots of health benefits of cycling everyday. If you haven’t adopted the behavior of working out daily, we hope after understanding how cycling can significantly make you healthier, you will get the motivation to start planning your daily workout routines.

Cycling for Health & Fitness

Cycling for Health & Fitness

Around the 1500s, the Dutch philosopher Desiderius Erasmus promoted a healthy lifestyle using the phrase “prevention is better than cure.” In modern days, this phrase has become the fundamental principle of social care strategies across the UK.

According to Smart Wealth, the average bill size for public hospitals in Singapore is around SG$1,012 to SG$7,876 for medical specialties and around SG$1,638 to SG$10,541 for surgical specialties. On the other hand, the average bill size for private hospitals may be three times higher than the public hospital costs. In short, never get sick unless you want to clean the money from your bank account.

Hence, an individual must stay healthy physically with various types of exercise—one of the most popular and time-saving exercises is cycling. Quoting Physical Therapist Jaclyn Kubiak, PT, DPT, cycling is the perfect aerobic exercise for beginners because it is low-impact. The aerobic exercises will help to strengthen your heart, blood vessels, and lungs. It can also help you control the sugar level in your blood.

Since health analysts have recommended getting around 150 minutes of aerobic workout each week, cycling your way to work or grocery shopping should contribute to your cumulative workout hour in a week.

Besides, cycling is a great exercise that is good for your cardiovascular training and muscle building. Yes, you read it right, cycling can help to tone your muscles. If you are wondering what kind of muscles does cycling tones, by going bike riding, you can improve the muscle tone of your legs, glutes, and core.

5 Health Benefits of Cycling Everyday

To get you finally hop on your bike for daily cycling activity, here are the top 5 benefits of cycling you should know, for instance:

Helps With Coordination and Balance

Helps With Coordination and Balance

Whether you are training outdoors by riding your bike or doing indoor training with the help of a bike trainer, riding a bike can help you improve your coordination and stabilize your core. After all, when riding a bike, riders must find the center of balance to stay upright.

Sustainable Weight Loss

Sustainable Weight Loss

Another motivation is the introduction of the effect of cycling on body shape. While you can’t gain weight loss overnight, routine daily bike riding can help to burn calories and fat. During your ride, the fat-shuttling enzyme in your body is activated into a higher gear and remains elevated until 30 hours later.

After your ride, the metabolism system in your body is still revved up, working to replenish and repair your muscles, making your body fitter and increasing your basal metabolic rate. If you are getting around 30 minutes to 45 minutes a day, you will be able to boost your basal metabolic rate and keep it up permanently.

This improvement in basal metabolic rate will result in fat loss, primarily visceral fat or deep belly fat. So does cycling work abs? It does, as long as you are committed to your exercise routines.

Healthier Brain

Healthier Brain

The neuroscientists label cycling activity as the “Miracle-Go” exercise for the brain as it has a fast-working and powerful neuron-building stimulant. Cycling helps to increase the production of nitric oxide and neurotrophins dramatically, promoting stem cell division and the formation of brain cells.

To make it more understandable, routine cycling helps riders obtain sharper memory skills, a more vital ability to concentrate, more fluid thinking and reasoning, more extraordinary problem-solving ability, and protects riders from Alzheimer’s disease.

Lowering the Risk of Cancer

Lowering the Risk of Cancer

The National Cancer Institute reports that around 12% of the average cancer risk reductions are heavily related to the physical activity of women in both pre and post-menopausal states. This story is probably one of the best cycling benefits for ladies correlated with life quality.

Reduce the Stress Levels

Reduce the Stress Levels

The YMCA studies reported that people with a physically active lifestyle have a well-being score of around 32% higher than inactive individuals. Additionally, during bike riding, your body releases adrenaline and endorphins, keeping you in a good mood. It also helps to boost your confidence when achieving new things or to get closer to your cycling goals.

How to Start Cycling

You have already read the advantages of cycling and decided to start your routines, but how would you do it? Cycling needs a proper technique and ensures safety to get the best result from your exercises. You can take a look at these points for more information:

Start Slowly

Start Slowly

Avoid overdoing your workout, especially when you are a beginner. Starting with extreme exercise time won’t get you anywhere; worst, it might cause trauma and severe fatigue. So whether you go indoor or outdoor cycling, remember to always begin with a small daily goal.

You can set 15 minutes of exercise as your starting point and see how you feel the next day. From there, you can adjust your exercise time and slowly increase the training time setup.

Look for a Good Position

Look for a Good Position

Adjusting a correct cycling position is crucial in preventing you from fatal injuries. Your first step is to choose the right bike sizing. You can work with the saddle position, handlebar height, brake and shifter lever position, and pedals. By adjusting a few components mentioned earlier, you can improve your performance and riding comfort.

Down from there, you can work with your riding position. Here are a few tips you can follow to get to a better posture during your ride:

  • Make sure to keep your shoulders back;
  • You can have your elbows in a slightly bending position;
  • Avoid putting too much pressure on your arms;
  • Keep your neck stretched out and chin down.

Following the Safety Protocol

Following the Safety Protocol

When going out cycling, always remember to keep riding on the designated trails and paths. Never try riding a cross-country mountain bike for a downhill ride or riding a road bike for mountain biking.

When you are riding on the road or commuting by bike, remember always to follow the safety rules of the Land Transportation Authority (LTA), such as:

  • Always wear a helmet during your ride;
  • Always ride along with the traffic flow and not against it;
  • Install the bike light on the front and rear sides of your bike with the front light in white color and the rear light in red to be visible during the night right.



There are lots of health benefits you can gain by admitting to a routine cycling schedule. Even when some people might mention how there are lots of cycling disadvantages such as muscle pain to road accidents, trust us, as long as you have correctly set your daily goals and obediently follow the safety riding instructions, you can reduce or even avoid the risk of injury.

By the end of the day, if you compare the cycling benefits and disadvantages, you can discover that a routine cycling exercise brings you more good than not. Cycling helps you to improve your health inside out and positively impacts your social circle.

If you are interested in starting your cycling exercise, come and visit Rodalink. Whether you do indoor or outdoor bike training, you can find everything you need at Rodalink since they offer a wide selection of bikes, accessories, parts, and apparel from the world’s renowned brands.

Rodalink also offers products at affordable pricing to ensure that their consumer gets their dream bike without breaking their savings accounts. The partnership between Rodalink and Shop Back also enables buyers to buy their bikes and pay for them later with a 0% installment charge.

Health is expensive. Therefore, it will be best if you start a healthy lifestyle from now on. Let Rodalink assist you and be part of your journey in creating a better living environment.

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