Are you bored of cycling during the day or struggling to find time to exercise due to your busy schedule? Night rides could be the perfect solution for you. In this article, we will discuss 3 reasons you should give night rides a try and how to make the most out of your evening rides.

1. Fit in The Schedule

1. Fit in The Schedule

Maintaining a fitness routine can be challenging for Singaporeans with busy schedules. A typical household routine in Singapore may involve working full-time, managing household chores, and taking care of children, leaving little time for exercise. Similarly, a typical worker’s routine in Singapore may consist of long working hours and lengthy commutes, making it difficult to find time to work out during the day.

To stay fit and healthy despite these challenges, Singaporeans can consider incorporating night rides into their schedules. By cycling during the cooler and quieter evening hours, Singaporeans can get their daily exercise in without disrupting their daily routines. Additionally, night rides can be a relaxing way to unwind after a long day at work, allowing for a better night’s sleep and increased productivity the next day.

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It is important to note that any exercise at night can and will increase your heart rate, especially if you are cycling at a moderate to high intensity. Therefore, it is important to consult with a doctor or a fitness professional before starting any exercise routine, including night rides.

To ensure that you can still feel fresh in the morning after a night ride, it is recommended to finish your ride at least a few hours before bedtime. This will allow your body to cool down and your heart rate to return to normal before going to sleep. It is also essential to stay hydrated before, during, and after your night ride to help regulate your body temperature and prevent dehydration.

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2. More Comfortable in Multiple Ways

2. More Comfortable in Multiple Ways

With temperatures soaring in South East Asia, it has become increasingly difficult to exercise during the day. The scorching heat poses a danger to health, and finding time to work out during the day can be challenging for those with busy schedules. As a result, maintaining a fitness routine has become almost unattainable.

According to the Met Office, the weather in Singapore has been particularly hot recently, with temperatures reaching their highest levels ever recorded. The average temperature in Singapore typically hovers around 27-32 degrees Celsius throughout the year, but in recent months, temperatures have exceeded this range, with some days reaching highs of over 35 degrees Celsius.

Based on the latest report from the Singapore National Environment Agency, the warm weather is expected to continue for the rest of April 2023. In fact, it was generally warm with a few short thundery showers throughout the day. Woodlands recorded the highest temperature of 34.3 degrees Celsius on April 14, 2023. The hot weather has been consistent throughout the region, with temperatures exceeding the usual range of 27-32 degrees Celsius.

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In response, a night ride can be an excellent solution for those who want to exercise but find it challenging to do so during the day due to the high temperatures. Riding during the cooler evening hours can provide a safer and more comfortable way to stay fit, with reduced traffic on the roads as well.

Speaking of traffic, the reduced congestion on the roads at night can also make it a quieter and more peaceful experience. Riding at night can offer a sense of calmness and tranquillity that can be difficult to find during the day as it eliminates the need to compete for space with the rush hour traffic, making the experience less stressful.

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3. Exploring New Experiences and Breaking Out from Routines

3. Exploring New Experiences and Breaking Out from Routines

In addition to being a great way to stay fit and comfortable in hot weather, night rides can also be an opportunity to explore new experiences and break out from routines. Cycling at night can offer a new perspective on familiar routes and scenery, creating a sense of adventure and excitement. It can be a chance to try something new and challenge oneself, both physically and mentally.

Furthermore, night rides can provide a sense of freedom and independence, offering a break from the constraints of daily routines and responsibilities. It can be a chance to clear one’s mind and enjoy the present moment, without worrying about deadlines, schedules, or to-do lists. It can also be a way to connect with nature and enjoy the peacefulness and stillness of the night.

To make the most of these benefits, it is important to plan ahead and take necessary precautions for a safe and enjoyable ride. This includes wearing reflective clothing, using lights and reflectors on the bike, and staying alert and aware of surroundings. It is also recommended to ride with a partner or group for added safety and companionship.

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Night rides can be a great solution for Singaporeans who struggle to find time to exercise due to busy schedules or the hot weather. By cycling during the cooler and quieter evening hours, people can get their daily exercise in without disrupting their routines. Night rides can also offer a chance to explore new experiences and break out of daily routines while providing a sense of calmness and tranquillity.

However, it’s important to consult a doctor or fitness professional before starting any exercise routine and to take necessary precautions for a safe and enjoyable ride, such as wearing reflective clothing, using lights and reflectors on the bike, and staying alert and aware of surroundings.

Read Deeper: Maximizing Safety and Comfort on Evening Rides

You might also think about joining the Rodalink community to receive better discounts and offers so you can still cut corners while having adequate bikes and accessories for your night ride. Rodalink can be your dependable cycling partner as you live out your adventurous riding pursuit.

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